Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

After spring break cut

I tried doing a fast cut between different angles in the last part, i don't know if it works...
Meanwhile, i started animating the 2D parts, it was easier than I expected. The first scene is done, I need to add two more and correct some things of the renders specially in the last bit, and then I'm done!!

Monday, February 22, 2016


I changed the transition of the second to third vignette to complete black and then back to light, i dont know if it's too short, if it is i'd have to change the sound a little bit to make it fit.  I also re-rendered the end of the second vignette so that she only opens her mouth at the very end and I rendered the first part of the third vignette, which only leaves the other two shots of this vignette for 3D and the rest for 2D
Almost done!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Outline for presentation

The use of historical or casual archived footage and recordings in animation adds a level of realness to the "illusion of life" and it touches the line with documentary not quite crossing it. This presentation talks about the difference between the two and how animation can be used as a recreation of a memory or to illustrate historical events giving a depth that live action can't, filling the blanks for inexistent material and creating a whole other subgenre both in documentary film and animated films.
  • Dustin Grella's Prayers for Peace  Talk about Dusty's approach to animation both technical and the use of documentary/real sound that wasn't originally intended for animation.
  • What is consider a documentary  "Archival footage plus talking heads does not always equal historical truth." What does archival footage add to animation if it isnt a documentary?
  • History of animation in documentary. When did it start? examples. 
-> research from library, internet.

  • Winsor McCay's Lusitania (1918)the first animated documentary
  • What does the use of a real recording (not rehearsed) add to animation?
  • Is the man who is tall happy? A conversation with Noam Chomsky
  • If documentary is about real life, how can animation add to that? Animation as a "practical Answer"
  • Animation as a part of a documentary but as the center of it.
  • More examples of animated documentaries

3D animation for the first part of the last part

Monday, February 8, 2016

Part 1 and 2 rendered...

Finally the first and second parts are rendered. Now i can move on to the third part, which is more of a challenge. And after that, animate in 2D. I feel I'm going in a good pace, I'm excited!

Should I move the titlen to be after the first vignette? im not sure right now

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Breaking the piñata

I managed to separate my character in parts while still be able to animate her as a whole. It's pretty neat, i didn't know i could do that! I'm now ready to animate the third and last vignette, which will only leave the 2D parts to animate

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New year, two vignettes to go

On this Spring semester i will complete the two vignettes that I have left for the shortfilm, following this plan:

3D animation of  Vignette 1:
-1 - close up to eye
-2 - three details of body
-3 - showing the whole body


Cut character into pieces

3D animation Vignette 3:
-1 - finding a light
-2 - piñata being hit harder, she starts falling apart
-3 - pieces of the character rolling inside


2d animation
- Intro
- piñata moving
- kid hitting piñata

Compositing and editing