Thursday, September 24, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Storyboard 2 revised

Second vignette defined and revised in this storyboard, this one is the shortest of the three but also probably the hardest because of the different positions. I have to study the character very well before modelling to be able to create the shapes, or maybe even model more than one.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Animatic 1 and storyboard revised

Here's my revised Storyboard for the first vignette, as well as the first version of the animatic, with no sound. I definitely need the sound to calculate exact times.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Character rigging change

As also discussed in class, I realised this character can't be rigged like any other biped, even if it's basically a human form. Because she has to be design to be twisted. I did some test with a very well rigged character (free for educational purposes) and it didn't work very well. That's why I decided that instead of a whole character, I'll make her in pieces, which will make it easier to  manipulate. And I'm thinking already on curves and constraints I can use for it. I'll make a character sheet with all the positions I want to achieve so that I can plan for them.

Here's a render of the failed normal rigged character.

A change in the story

After feedback in class and giving it a thought, I decided to change my storylines a little to take the element of surprise which was limiting me and introducing the piñata in the first vignette.
The first scene will be a party (everything in 2D) with sounds of children and laughs in the background, which will be the setting for entering the piñata. That way, I will explore the feelings and ridiculous of the situation. The rest of the first two vignettes will be the same.
In the last vignette though, my character will struggle to keep herself together. Literally. She will start falling into pieces (again, literally) and she will end up all scrambled inside. Burst of light will come from the hitting and the ending will remain as the piñata breaking, for which I will again relay on sound.

To make myself more clear, I started some concept art to define the feeling and look, as well as the colors. I still think it's best to keep the character a little cartoonish, and I don't mind if it becomes a little comical, because it would still be some kind of dark humor.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Storyboard 1

Storyboard for the first vignette, following the storyline described in an earlier post.

 I do have a question for you guys: when I was drawing I noticed the visuals are very womb-like and that was unintentional but it might be another interesting theme to explore. I just don't want to get people confused, what do you think?

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Character sheets

Character emotion sheet, first drafts

Detailed story lines

I decided to choose the "trapped in a piñata" idea, (name yet to be defined) and divide it in 3 vignettes.
The 3 parts will consist of the following:
1. Where am I? How did I get here?
2. What's happening? How do I get out of here?
3. There's a light, there's hope. I know where I am now.

Here's a detail description of each vignette:

Part 1

Darkness. Eerie sounds, the darkness is composed by lines coming from all directions, covering everything, making the world pitch black. A pair of eyes open, scared.

The prickly lines move away to reveal quick glimpses of feet, hands, and different body parts intertwined and twisted in weird angles, there's a distant sound of children laughing. Inside a sphere, there's a girl trapped in an impossible position unable to move or to fit properly. She slowly tries to move, she looks clueless. Fast cuts to a place outside, too fast to understand what they are, like a television disrupted signal. She slowly triest to shift positions and when she manages to move, she does it very quickly and ends up in another awkward position, still twisted within the confined space. When she moves, the sphere oscillates a little bit and then she stops moving. Another distant sound of happiness, maybe a nursery rhyme or an ice cream truck song, faded and unintelligible. Her face constricts as she slowly realises she's trapped. End of part 1

Part 2 

Opening sequence of darkness and lines repeats. Darkness turns into a close up of her pupil. A drop of sweat falls from her face. She's still in the sphere, still trapped. She moves and it oscillates again, she stops. She desperately tries to move again and the sphere moves faster. She stops again but her breathing intensifies. Music gets faster and the sphere starts moving by itself while she's scared, she doesn't know what's happening. Quick cuts, and the movement is faster, there's loud bangs as the sphere appears to be hit from the outside, she's desperately trying to get out but she can't. She starts screaming and the darkness of her mouth darkens everything again. End of part 2

Part 3.

Same opening sequence but now the white letters of the title fill the space and become a small circle of light on top of her. She's beaten, hurt and not moving anymore. Her face is sad and tired. She looks up at the small hole that also produces a ray of light inside the sphere. She squirts her eyes, the distant laughs are louder now. She slowly manages to approach the hole and tries to look outside. From the outside of the sphere, her eye is trying to look with all the sudden light hurting her. She realises where she is. It's a piñata, hanging from a tree. The eye looks terrified now. Everything goes black. and we hear something break and then a thud. End or part 3